"Need one if you have kids or dogs!" ~Jen (Houston, TX)
"I used this to wash a vintage stuffed animal that I purchased used. The stuffed animal was expensive and VERY dingy.
was worried that I would damage the stuffed animal by putting him in
the washer/dryer. But clearly, surface washing was not going to get the
job done. So, I purchased this "Teddy Needs a Bath" Bag and tossed him
in the washer on the regular cycle (as I live in an apartment with a
washer/dryer without a gentle cycle) and the dryer on regular heat. He
came out good as new without any damage whatsoever and that's on the
regular cycle. Wow!!! I bought one for my sister as well. I also intend
to use it for my dog's toys as one of my dogs drools like crazy. This
is a GREAT product. Thanks "Teddy Needs a Bath"!!! Also,
drugstore.com has the best price I found on this item. Thanks to you too
drugstore.com!!! :)"
review from drugstore.com